Sisters…..#Friends For Life!


Growing up my siblings were the best support system i had and even as we grew older we still have each others back. “Just as life’s journey involves a lot of unexpected events and you have to be ready to perceive them in the right way, that’s how we meet people every day and how we treat the people we meet will determine how much of ourselves we have truly discovered.”  Meeting my girlfriend’s has been a blessing to me. I tell them everyday how much they mean to me. They are loving, caring, understanding, and get on my nerves. We fight, argue, break up and make up but have always had each others​ back. Today I see them as sisters.


Knowing that I have girlfriend’s that are like sisters makes me happy all the time. Hanging out with them makes my day. Girl times are always moments i look forward to, especially when i need to ease off the stress of the day.We we help one another, we tell one another our worst fears and biggest secrets, and then just like real sisters, we listen and try not to judge.

The holy book clearly states that there are friends that sticks closer than brothers.” Proverbs 18:24″.
In life, there are friends that we have that we easily relate with, talk with, share with, pray and play with, and cherish their company anyday anytime. When they are around they lift our spirits and when they are away from the emptiness we feel becomes glaring and consuming. Ironically, even the best of friends we have may sometimes let us down or disappoint us. They may betray or fail us in our hour of need, oftentimes not because they want to, but because they may be incapacitated, hurt by us, angry , or may not have the right words to say to us at the time we need them.  Let’s not also forget that it’s  possible for them to get tired of our “problems and complaints” and may  eventually give up on us, especially when they realise that our behaviour, attitudes and differences are irreconcilable.


For some people, having a sister means having a friend who will be there for life, and who was there in its beginning. And for some other, it’s simply having another female in the house. ” Different strokes for different folks”…Your sister may drive you crazy, or she may inspire you but whatever the case, they can be your friends although they may not act like it.
Sisters will always be sisters but girlfriends will come and go. The ones that stay with you through everything – they’re your true best friends.


I think the reason why i love my sister’s( my girlfriends inclusive) so much is because I can connect to them on a much deeper level. Most of our interpersonal interactions with people are shallow. There are a few things that you won’t feel comfortable discussing with anyone, probably because of the fear of being judged or misunderstood.
I’m guessing ‘love’ happens when you feel you’re accepted for just the way you are, and you adore someone’s company more than anything in the world. I love their beautiful hair, sweet voice, and all their troubles​.  I always want to see them happy, and that’s why I strive to be their best too, so that I don’t disappoint them in any way.
There’s a sense of belonging, security, togetherness, homeliness, connection in the mutual bonding, that ties us together.

I love my sister’s to bits”…..

32 thoughts on “Sisters…..#Friends For Life!

  1. yup, I´m an expert when we´re talking about daughters, sons… I´m a bachelor no golden bachelor and I think sons are a magnificent creatures, unfortunately I don´t believe in Hollywood films or “blue blood” series from the TV.
    If you´re living rosy days family´s magnificent and when you´re suffering baddies times, you could be a castaway and we must be doing a course.
    Finally I remember a proverb in order to bairns living in illusions and when you´re getting elder living in confusion.
    A big kiss to kids around the world …

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you weedjee, as usual your comments are always remarkable. I will try and make my next article on brothers and sons. Hope you will like that? Am happy you dropped by and shared with us. Gracias

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What a huge and beautiful heart you have…you sisters and friends are lucky, and I just know how special they must be given that they’ve inspired you to gush about them so 🙂 Such an uplifting post…thanks for sharing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They were so excited when I wrote the article on them. I am inspired by them. They are my world. Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate them. How are you? Have a fulfilled week ahead.


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