A Friend Indeed?…

I have always told myself and the people around me to be very careful when choosing a friend, for a good friend will bring out the best in you and make you shine while a fake or bad friend will break you in every way. A poem says ” If you have friendship with a person of bad character or reputation, you become as nameless and formless like the drop of water on a frying pan on a hot burning oven. The drop of water evaporates and disappears after a short while.”  So it is when you have a bad friend, you cease to be good and will only be remembered for bad. Who needs such a friend?

Evil communication corrupts good manner is an adage as old as time but you never understand this quote until you have a bad friend. You may be a polite, soft-spoken person of gentle manners while your friend may be domineering, rough, roguish and given to evil ways, it will only be a matter of time before that friend will take advantage of your innocence, softness and  trick you, or even lead you to a wrong path. 

Show me me your friend and i will tell you who you are.’ Our friends play major roles in the shaping of our character today and forever. Of what use is having a friend who can’t be there for you when you need them to be? Most of the friends we have only show up when we have resolved our issues and claim they were preoccupied. 
Now, every one of us must have heard of this good old proverb that says “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. We need true friends in our lives. A real or true friend is always willing to help us when we need them. We also must remain helpful to them as well, then we can body say “I am a good friend”. No man is an island of himself, we need each other and we need good friends too. Proverbs 18:24 (KJV)  A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. There are some friends that stands by you than your own family will ever do. Guess what? The best asset a man can ever posses is to have a good and loyal friend beside him.

We all need a shoulder to lean on both in good times and in bad times but in good times, everyone behaves very well to you. They act like they care about you and even love you but the true test of friendship comes when you are in need. It is only a true friend that will be there for you voluntarily without expecting anything in return but then such friends are like diamonds in the rough. They are in short supply because the bad ones have overshadowed them. The society we live in is becoming more crazy daily and we need to choose the right friends that will help keep us sane in a crazy world like ours. Friends without negative or nefarious motives.
Why is it always easy to have many friends but very difficult to have​ a good one? Because most of the friends we think we have are very indifferent to our sufferings and challenges in life. A true friend must be selfless and prove himself through his good deeds and not just word of mouth “Talk is cheap”. He must be willing to make sacrifices and fight for his friends. They are not selfish at heart or interest.

#Are you really a friend in need? 

28 thoughts on “A Friend Indeed?…

  1. Nice article again, a good question about friend when baddie times are running they are fiend, to my way of thinking fiends in our lives you can be counting with finger in a hand besides a goodie friend is a deja vú experience or similar to see an aurora borealis you’re in a earthly paradise.
    Take care and a big kiss

    Ps. Toxic friends no antidote with detox juice Hahaha

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Another great post and your last words are you a friend in need … Sums up my life before God … I was a friend to everyone … From 6-years old to my parents who fought like cat and dog over money … Wondering why l was born … In business offering to help and guide those in need of a job, home and even money … Until one day l was left like a beggar by the roadside and not one person was a Good Samaritan then God came and became my friend .. That was 30-years plus ago and yet l still wondered why l was born even after he showed me nothing but love and pointed out the error of my ways … Showing me it was not my fault but that people took advantage of my gentleness and kindness … So l learned it’s not God who is just a friend as in real life but his way truly is mysterious ,.. As just as you understand … It charges as he is truly immutable …Now l begin to understand why l was born …Amen 👍

    Liked by 2 people

    1. 1 Corinthians 2:9 (KJV) But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” God is not through with you yet and he has not forgotten your kind works. At the right time, your kindness and generosity will speak for you. Thank you very much my dear for sharing with us. God bless you

      Liked by 2 people

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