Letting Go…(#Pt 2)

“Sometimes holding on does more damage than letting go”.
Do you know that many at times we hold on to so much to what God is taking from us, forgetting that he has already finished his own plans in our lives ever before we were born and start making our own plans. I learnt that yesterday in a very funny way. I came across a story of a young man who left his home one early morning to travel to another city for an important job interview. He was the first person in the bus but shortly before departure he decided to use the rest room, he was there for a while and before he came out, another person has been put in his place.

He was very angry and started fighting the bus driver who sold his seat to another passenger. He finally went to the next bus sad and depressed thinking he had lost a big job opportunity. His bus departed few minutes later, but an hour later there was huge traffic because there has been an accident on the high way. The first bus he was removed from had summersulted several times due to brake failure killing every single person on board. His life was spared without him being in support of it. 

We are all guilty of this (including me). We hold on very tight to old glories, not knowing we are ignorantly blocking new blessings. No one said letting go is easy but we need to remember that things fall apart in order to fall into place. Sometimes holding on does more damage than letting go.

Oftentimes God removes us from our comfort zone in order to take us to the promised land. Its never convenient but it’s always for the best. Joseph thought it was over when he was being sold into slavery. What sometimes looks like a miserable ending is actually a beautiful beginning. Some events of life are beyond our control. All we need to do is “Let Go and Let God”.

32 thoughts on “Letting Go…(#Pt 2)

  1. I admit, I struggle with my relationship with God, but I like stories like this because it’s a little reminder to me that the things we try and control are often times better that we didn’t.
    Personally, I’m glad you posted this.

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    1. Thank you for your kind words and response. The truth is we can not control everything and for every time we let go, we are more stronger and better than we were. I’m glad you could relate to the post. It spoke to me as well. God bless you

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      1. Thank you so much. Although, I really appreciate it, I’m very slow about getting these things done… For example, I have one I was nominated for a couple of days ago I still have to complete…lol

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      1. Oofdah! Much of what I am learning is taking me a lot of energy to process. I have been in a comfort zone for a while. It has not been comfortable exactly but surely familiar and suddenly God is thrusting me into territory in which I have not walked for fifteen years. He is showing me how sloppy and lazy I have gotten living in my rut…It’s a good rut, but it is still a rut, and God is breaking me out of it. I know it is good but everything in me is uncomfortable and uncertain. I understand the ISraelites wanting to go back to Egypt and yet I know that to say so is an attitude I cannot allow to linger. this song keeps coming to mind.


  2. We are all guilty of this sometimes. I try to remind my kids as well that everything happens for a reason. Just recently my daughter went to her high school football game with her friends and they were kicked out due to throwing confetti. My daughter was arguing that it was not her but she it was one of her friends. I had to go pick them up early from game. Half hour later, the school is in lockdown due to a shooting. Someone died that night and they were there for hours until it was safe. Her getting kicked out of the game was a blessing and reminded her that everything happens for a reason. God was definitely looking out for her that day.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh my! This is indeed a testimony. I am so happy to know your daughter is safe and doing well. Every disappointment is indeed a blessing in disguise only if see it that way. Sometimes when God wants to take us away from danger its usually very painful and inconvenient to us but at the end we bless his name for saving us. God’s ways are not our ways, he knows our tomorrow from yesterday all we need to do is trust Him. Believe me its not easy but that’s all we have to do and believe that he’s working out the best for us. Thank you for sharing with us. Please give my warm hugs and kisses to your daughter. God bless you.

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  3. nice again , the worse word or sentence to human beings are comfort zones, pls gimme a general definition and we are all guilty sometimes, unfortunately we´re a perfect engine, our lives are bored with excellence and we must living up with brain and when you´re closing a door pls opening a window in order to rise in the room and let it go.
    Happy weekend and we must be fighting to infinity and beyond as lightbuzzyear…

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  4. “We hold on very tight to old glories, not knowing we are ignorantly blocking new blessings. No one said letting go is easy but we need to remember that things fall apart in order to fall into place…” Pearls of wisdom…

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