Sunshine Blogger Award..#2nd

I want to thank stayathomemom for nominating me for this award. This would be my second nomination for this award and i am so grateful and humbled to get nominated again. Thank you stayathomemom for this wonderful award and i recommend her blog to everyone. She has a unique way of making things come alive with her writing and family journey. Visit her on🌞🌝/

Here are my response to your questions;

  1. Who is my favourite author and why?  I have two favorite authours and they are Tim LaHaye and Joyce Meyer. I love their works because​ they have a way of making me know where i am, where i ought to be and why i should be where God wants me to be.
  2. What is my fondest memory? My fondest memory will be the day i danced in my school drama back in my primary school days. I never used to dance in public as i was the shy type but that faithful day the drama unit had a presentation and i was nominated to lead the choreography. You needed to see my face that day; To cut the long story short, I danced and at the end everyone clapped and out of excitement i started crying. I didn’t think I would be able to do something​ like that and much less get applauded for it. Every time I remember that day i smile to myself and say “Those good old days”.

  3. What made you create a blog and where do you get your inspiration from? To be honest, when I created my blog two years ago i didn’t think it was a big deal. But when i made a post on heaven and saw people’s comments, responses and how much of their lives i was affecting, I just knew this was it. It gave me so much joy and fulfilment and If there was anything i have crazy passion for, its writing. So, whenever there wasn’t much work on my table, i would just start writing on my blog and that was how it all began. As to where i get my inspiration from, I would say my life, the Holy Spirit and inspiring events that occurs in the lives of those around me and far beyond. 

  4. Who is your favourite super hero? My favourite super hero is spider man.

  5. What is your favourite quote? My favourite quote is “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today” by Will Rogers.

  6. If you would be any celebrity who would you be and why? Sonnie Badu. Why? Because his songs are soul lifting and he has a humble personality.

  7. What is your favourite food? Eba and Egusi soup with chicken (I’m Nigerian and i love my swallow..smiles)

8. If you could take an all inclusive vacation anywhere in the world where would you go and who will you bring? Paris. My family.

  1. Who are your top 3 bloggers you read the most? Kawsreflections, thechickengrandma, weedjee and kumdsingh.
  • If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Nothing. I would not change my name then, now or tomorrow.

  • If you could come back as an animal, which one would you be and why? A dog. They are next to human. Sensitive, smart, fast learners, obedient, and loyal.

  • The Rules ;

    1. Thank the person who nominated you and share a link to their page. 
    2. Answer the 11 questions sent to you by the person who nominated you.
    3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write 11 new questions.
    4. List the rules and display the Sunshine blog logo in your post and/or on your blog.

    My Nominees;


    The Questions: 

    1. How long have you been blogging and what motivated you?

    1. What is the best advice you can give to new bloggers?
  • What is the best feed back you have ever gotten on a post?

  • What do you enjoy most about blogging?

  • In two words describe your blog

  • Who is your favourite author and why?

  • What has been your greatest fear since you started blogging and how did you handle it?

  • Who are your bloggers and why are they your favourite? 

  • What is the most important lesson you’ve learnt in life and blogging?

  • What’s the weirdest post you’ve ever read?

  • How do you remain inspired and how often do you write?

  • Congratulations and good luck to all the nominees.

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