Sunshine Blogger Award…

Hi everyone! Today I got nominated by a wonderful lady Reminissy for the Sunshine Blogger Award. She’s got a beautiful soul and easy going. Her writing proves she’s very comfortable in her own skin and space and I admire that about her. Please visit her through this link : and walk through her world like I did and you won’t regret it.
Reminissy, thank you for the nomination.
Girl, you made my day and I hope you have a wonderful day as well.

The Rules:

Thank the blogger who nominated you in your blog post and link back to her blog
Answer 11 questions that the Blogger asked you
Nominate 11 new bloggers to receive the awards and write them 11 questions
List the rules and display the Sunshine blogger award logo in your post on your blog

My Answers:

Where are you from?

I am from the Eastern part of Nigeria (Abia State)

What does your blogging space consist of?

Inspirational and motivational stuffs about life and all it entails.

How do you overcome writer’s block?

Either I read lots of books, listen to my favorite songs or I go for a walk to clear my head.

What inspired you to start blogging?

My passion for writing and love for a better world. My fans are one of my greatest inspiration.

What are some of your short term and long term career goals?

My short term goal is to develop my knowledge and understanding of man and the world we live in. My long term goal is to one of the most successful writers and activists who influenced the world positively and made it a better place

How has blogging changed your life?

I love my job and I’m very passionate about what I do.
Blogging has changed my life in so many ways that I can’t begin to say all.
Aside from the fact that it made a boss of myself, It also introduced me to wonderful people and opened up a whole new world to me and I am truly grateful for that.
I have learned new skills in writing, have a better and clear understanding of the world we live in, and of course continually making new friends.
I’m very hopeful and optimistic for the future.

What types of hobbies do you have besides blogging?

I enjoy volunteer work and I coach both young and advanced students for external examinations. I love swimming.

Do you read? If so what types of books and who is your favorite author?

Yes. Inspirational, thrillers, romantic suspense. I also enjoy reading magazines and journals. My favorite author is Joyce Meyer (smiles…. She inspires me a lot)

How would the people closest to you describe who you are?

Reserved, Kind, generous and easy going. 😁 I will let you know when they say something new today.

What advice would you give your 16 year old self?

You can be anything you want to be. The world is too big, find your space, mark it and leave your footprints for others walk in.

What would you like your readers to take away from your blog?

Peace of mind and a better understanding of who they are and meant to be.

My Nominees are :

Rotimi Elijah
Cheche winnie
Rachel Page
Adrianna J

Here are the questions for my nominees:

. What three bloggers inspire you?

. What would you do if you weren’t blogging

. What makes you different from others?

. What is your favorite post?

. If you go to one place, where would it be?

. What inspires you?

. What are you most proud of?

. Which book has been most influential on you?

. Where is your dream vacation?


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