6 Reasons Why You Need To Let Go and Let God

We all need a reason to do something or not to do anything, be it good or bad. It’s a common verse- “All things work together for good to them that love the Lord God and are called according to his purpose.” Yet, we fail to recognize this in the face of adversity. Reading through…… Continue reading 6 Reasons Why You Need To Let Go and Let God

Nothing in life is permanent. And that’s scary. The one you love the most will hurt you, and the one you trust will betray you; that makes us imperfect beings. In all this, however, our ability to forgive and let go will help us face change, including strange ones like letting go!Today is a privilege to call our own! Make it count!

Read more đŸ‘‰ https://whitneyibeblog.com/hurt-is-inevitable-letting-go-of-the-past-is-a-must/

Forgetting Hurts And Disappointments

  Even though you feel many things have been delayed in your life, do not give up hope. While there have been many disappointments throughout your life, do not fall into the temptation of giving up the hope placed within you. Surely you will have trouble in this world, but do not concern yourself with…… Continue reading Forgetting Hurts And Disappointments

Mercy In Place Of Judgement…

How often do we need to keep showing mercy towards those that offends us? Where is the love and peace we so much talk about and push for? What happened to our humanity?

Reconcile With Yourself

Sometimes feelings of love, hate, fear etc. can get the best of us. Take a deep breath and redirect your thoughts, have faith, it will lead to the best solution.