Olvidando Heridas y Decepcione

Querido Amado, y caminaremos de la mano mientras olvidamos las heridas de los retrasos y decepciones que has experimentado.

Start Feeding Your Good Habits!

Understand that your habits may not be legally, ethically, or morally wrong. It can be a seemingly innocuous action or attitude, a little thing, but if you don’t do something about it, it can go for years wasting time and energy, being unproductive and unprofitable.

Work It Out; Get It Under Control Today!

Don’t just work on overcoming bad habits; work on strengthening and improving good habits

Stop Being Loyal To The Wrong People!

Fake people will always give you real reasons to cut them off, don’t be blind to those reasons. Cut them off as fast as you can.

Growing Beyond Limitations!

For every time you acquire new knowledge, skills, or create something new, become innovative, you’re not only enhancing your life but that of others as well.

The Blind Side Of Our Faith…

“Isn’t it funny how we easily play God, take his grace for granted and then pray to him?”

Understanding The Uniqueness Of A Woman…

“If we do not understand our positions, we will function in ignorance, and the result will be pain and destruction”

Make Yourself Accountable…#Don’t Be Afraid To Say No!

What is it about saying “no” that makes us so anxious?

Mercy In Place Of Judgement…

How often do we need to keep showing mercy towards those that offends us? Where is the love and peace we so much talk about and push for? What happened to our humanity?

The Greed Of Gehazi…

“Happiness comes from the peace of knowing you are not in debt!”