Morning Reflections…

Quit allowing a sense of guilt and shame to follow you around.

Nothing Truly Great Can Be Accomplished In A Lifetime!

Most of the seeds we graciously harvest today were planted by our fathers

Morning Reflections…

We’re always been told what we are not. Nobody has ever had a problem telling us what we are not.

Find Freedom To Soar For Greatness…

To be really free, we cannot afford to be confused. We’ve got to understand that we don’t need to meet up to any standards that don’t allow us to be ourselves.

The Greed Of Gehazi…

“Happiness comes from the peace of knowing you are not in debt!”

Sweet Confession

      Hello, my beautiful friends. Trust your day is going well? Yesterday, my 13- year old Godson, Kingsley was in one of those moods. He failed to read when he was supposed to and when we went to the market, I expected him to cooperate happily. Instead, he walked two steps behind me…… Continue reading Sweet Confession

Defeating Temptation…

Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts!

Morning Digest…

There are some tough times that go with living. They’re inescapable. That’s when our confidence in the Lord’s salvation and our relationship with him get tested! It is one thing to sing “it is well with my soul” at the end of a peel the paint worship service, but it is quite another to be…… Continue reading Morning Digest…

Practice Discipline!

Practise disciple and see yourself grow beyond limitations!