It’s A Game Of High Stakes: Look Beyond The Surface

The workings in government is a game of high stakes that is fuelled by complexities of managing all kind of interests for the sole purpose of expanding territory. Occupying prominent positions in government requires a unique set of skills, abilities and emotional intelligence to be able to manage the various kinds of interest involved. Unfortunately,…… Continue reading It’s A Game Of High Stakes: Look Beyond The Surface

Guard Your Inner Circle!

“Choose the people you want to belong to your inner circle!”

It Takes Time…

Don’t get in a hurry! There is no growth without change…

Defeating Temptation…

Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts!

Think Thanks

Be grateful!

The Power Of Grace…

Every time I remember that I’ve got the grace of God in its fullness, I feel like the universe has given me all the support and blessings I need to live a happy, prosperous, peaceful and joyful life. I feel like a little child who just discovered she can walk and suddenly doesn’t need the…… Continue reading The Power Of Grace…

Joy In The Midst Of It All!

There are people in this world who no matter what happens have zero their mind never to laugh or smile no matter what as long as their problems are still visible. Well, I understand that there are some situations you find yourself and laughing won’t sit in at the moment but then carrying a frowny…… Continue reading Joy In The Midst Of It All!

How Is Your Facial Expression Today?

You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. Your message may be wonderful and much needed by the hearer, but the look on your face can turn people off before you open your mouth. Ever notice how many people have bad memories of growing up in church? They recall stern, severe,…… Continue reading How Is Your Facial Expression Today?

Laugh A Lot!

When was the last time you had a good laugh? I didn’t say smile, or chuckle, like the one you are doing now. I mean real laughter that almost left you in tears and maybe even chocked up from coughing real hard? Let me guess… Last month? Two weeks ago? Yesterday? Today? Or maybe never?…… Continue reading Laugh A Lot!